
Sends an output when Vioneta Agro receives a tag scanned event for a configured tag id.



  • Type: array

An array of tag ids to monitor for tag scanned events.


  • Type: array

An array of device ids to check when a configured tag is scanned.

Expose as

  • Type: string

When an entity is selected a switch entity will be created in Vioneta Agro. Turning on and off this switch will disable/enable the nodes in Node-RED.


Value types:

  • event data: full event object
  • tag id: tag id of the tag that was scanned.
  • config: config properties of the node

event object

  • Type: object
device_idID of the device that scanned the tag
tag_idID of the tag that was scanned
tag_nameVioneta Agro name of the tag that was scanned
user_idVioneta Agro user ID on device that scanned the tag