Call Service

Sends a request to Vioneta Agro for any domain and service available (light/turn_on, input_select/select_option, etc..)


Domain required

Service domain to call

A custom domain can be used by adding a # at the end of the domain

Service required

Service to call

Custom service can be used by adding a # at the end of the service


A list of area ids that will be used as targets for the service call

Custom ids can be inserted into the list by adding a # at the end of the id


A list of device ids that will be used as targets for the service call

Custom ids can be inserted into the list by adding a # at the end of the id


A list of entity ids that will be used as targets for the service call


JSON object to pass along.

Merge Context

  • Type: string

If defined will attempt to merge the global and flow context variable into the config

Alternative Template Tags

  • Type: boolean

Will change the tags used for the mustache template to <% and %>


  • Type: none | first | all | last

Will store the first, last, or all messages received while disconnected from Vioneta Agro and send them once connected again


All properties need to be under msg.payload.

Sample input

    "domain": "homeassistant",
    "service": "turn_on",
    "target": {
        "area_id": ["kitchen"],
        "device_id": ["8932894082930482903"],
        "entity_id": ["", "switch.garage_light"]
    "data": {
        "brightness_pct": 50


If the incoming message has a payload property with domain, service set it will override any config values if set.

If the incoming message has a that is an object these properties will be merged with any config values set.

If the node has a property value in its config for Merge Context then the flow and global contexts will be checked for this property which should be an object that will also be merged into the data payload.

Merge Resolution

As seen above the data property has a lot going on in the way of data merging, in the end, all of these are optional and the rightmost will win if a property exists in multiple objects

Config Data, Global Data, Flow Data, Payload Data ( payload data property always wins if provided


  • Type: string

Service domain to call


  • Type: string

Service service to call


  • Type: JSON Object

Service data to send with the service call


  • Type: JSON Object with area_id, device_id, and entity_id as array properties

Targets of the service call


Value types:

  • config: config properties of the node
  • results: response from Vioneta Agro
  • sent data: data sent to Vioneta Agro
