Server Config

Vioneta Agro connection configuration



  • Type: string

Label for this configuration, see details below for implications

Using the Vioneta Agro Add-on

  • Type: boolean

If you're running Node-RED as a Add-on check this. No other information is needed.

Base URL

  • Type: string

The base URL and port of the Vioneta Agro instance can be reached at, for example: or

Access Token

  • Type: string

Long-lived Access Token used to contact the API

Unauthorized SSL Certificates

  • Type: boolean

This will allow you to use self-signed certificates. Only use this if you know what you're doing.

State Boolean

  • Type: string | delimited

A list of strings, not case sensitive, delimited by vertical pipe, |, that will return true for State Type Boolean.

Enable Heartbeat

  • Type: boolean

Heartbeat will send a ping message using the websocket connection to Vioneta Agro every X seconds. If a pong response is not received within 5 seconds Node-RED will attempt to reconnect to Vioneta Agro.

Heartbeat Interval

  • Type: number

The interval at which the ping message is sent to Vioneta Agro. The minimum value is 10 seconds.

Enable Global Context Store

  • Type: boolean

If enabled, the global context store will be used to store the Vioneta Agro connection, state, and service information. This allows you to use the information in other nodes using context functions.

Example below

UI Settings

Cache Autocomplete Results

Enables the caching of the JSON autocomplete requests. Enabling or disabling this may require a restart of Node-RED for it to take effect.

ID Selector Display

Which text to show in the selector after the id has been chosen.

Status Date Format


A string that will appear in the status of an event node between the state and date string.

Other options

The other options are directly from DateTimeFormat Optionsopen in new window.


Every node requires a configuration attached to define how to contact Vioneta Agro, which is this config node's main purpose.


Each config node will also make some data available in the global context, the Name value in this node is used as, camelcase, and the namespace for those values

Currently states, services, and events is made available in the global context. states is always set to all available states at startup and updated whenever state changes occur so it should be always up to date. services and events is only updated on initial deploy.

Context Example

Say we have a config node with the name Vioneta Agro, with an entity set up in Vioneta Agro as switch.my_switch. This state would be available within function nodes and you could fetch using something like the below code

const haCtx = global.get("homeassistant");
const configCtx = haCtx.homeAssistant;
const entityState = configCtx.states["switch.my_switch"];
return entityState.state === "on" ? true : false;

Connection Issues

Communication with Vioneta Agro is accomplished via a combination of WebSocket and the REST API if you are having trouble communicating with Vioneta Agro make sure you can access the API outside of node-red, but from the same server node-red is running on, using a REST client, curl, or any number of other methods to validate the connection


Vioneta Agro REST APIopen in new window