Get History

Fetches history from Vioneta Agro (all history for the past day by default)


Entity ID

  • Type: string

The entity id to fetch history for. Can be a single entity id or a comma separated list of entity ids.

Entity ID Type

  • Type: string
  • Values: == | regex

The type of entity id matching to use. == will do an exact match, regex will use a regular expression to match the entity ids.

Start Date

  • Type: string
  • Values: ISO Formattted Date
  • Default: 24 hours prior

Date to start fetching history from. Will override the configuration if passed in. If relativetime is used this will be ignored.

Also See:

End Date

  • Type: string
  • Values: ISO Formattted Date
  • Default: 24 hours from start date

The end date to fetch history too. Will override the configuration if passed in. If relativetime is used this will be ignored.

Also See:

Use Relative Time

  • Type: boolean

A checkbox to use relative time or not. If checked the startdate and enddate will be ignored and the relativetime will be used instead.

In the Last

  • Type: string

A time string that will be parsed the following keywords into time values.

Example: 4h 30m = The last 4 hours and 30 minutes

ms, milli, millisecond, milliseconds - will parse to milliseconds
s, sec, secs, second, seconds - will parse to seconds
m, min, mins, minute, minutes - will parse to minutes
h, hr, hrs, hour, hours - will parse to hours
d, day, days - will parse to days
w, week, weeks - will parse to weeks
mon, mth, mths, month, months - will parse to months
y, yr, yrs, year, years - will parse to years

Flatten Results

Instead of returning the data from Vioneta Agro ( array for each entity_id ) return one flattened array of one item per history entry

Output Types

  • Type: string
  • Values: array | split
  • Default: array

The type of output to return. array will return an array of history objects. split will return an array of history objects for each entity id.


All properties of msg.payload


  • Type: string


  • Type: equal | regex


  • Type: string
  • Values: ISO Formattted Date


  • Type: string
  • Values: ISO Formattted Date


  • Type: string


  • Type: boolean



  • Type: array

The history returned by home-assistant, which is an array of arrays where each array entry contains history objects for one particular entity

Example output of msg:

  "payload": [
      "attributes": {
        "friendly_name": "Kitchen Light",
        "icon": "mdi:light-switch",
      "context": {
        "id": "850e510e36fb494c9abc79e01e897d54",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null
      "entity_id": "light.kitchen_light",
      "last_changed": "2019-12-28T06:47:28.618000+00:00",
      "last_updated": "2019-12-28T06:47:28.618000+00:00",
      "state": "off"
      "attributes": {
        "brightness": 28,
        "friendly_name": "Kitchen Light",
        "icon": "mdi:light-switch",
      "context": {
        "id": "4d4abe29f2bc43dab39101193f1fefe4",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null
      "entity_id": "light.kitchen_light",
      "last_changed": "2019-12-28T07:48:11.514137+00:00",
      "last_updated": "2019-12-28T07:48:11.514137+00:00",
      "state": "on"


Check if an entity was a certain state in the last 24 hours
