Events: all

Listens for all types of events from Vioneta Agro with the ability to filter by event type.



  • Type: string

the name of the node

Event Type

  • Type: string

filter by event type or leave blank for all events


Leaving this empty will listen for all events from Vioneta Agro which may overload the WebSocket message queue.

GitHub Issue #153open in new window

Event data

  • Type: json

A JSON object that will be compared to the event data. If this JSON is a subset of the event data object, the event will be emitted.

Output only after Vioneta Agro is running

  • Type: boolean

What until Vioneta Agro has reported its state as running before outputting events. Client events will always output.

Expose as

  • Type: entity config

Creates a switch within Vioneta Agro to enable/disable this node. This feature requires Node-RED custom integrationopen in new window to be installed in Vioneta Agro


Value types:

  • event data: event received from Vioneta Agro
  • config: config properties of the node

Client Events

Use home_assistant_client as the event type to receive events from the Websocket client.

Events sent from the client:

  • connecting - when trying to connect to HA
  • connected - after the authorization has been accepted
  • disconnected - when the socket stops attempting to connect or disconnected after having been connected
  • error - when a disconnect happens of the WebSocket with an error
  • states_loaded - the first time all states are loaded from HA
  • services_loaded - the first time all services are loaded from HA
  • running - when HA is in a running state and states have been loaded