JSONata is a functional declarative language, designed to work with JSON objects. It is built-in within Node-RED and is available in standard nodes where you see the J: expression option, for example in the Inject Node.

  • JSONata code is written as a line expression, which is evaluated and returns the result.
  • The expression is evaluated against a JSON object. In Node-RED this JSON is the top level message object. There is no need to use a leading 'msg.' therefore just payload will evaluate as the message payload value, and topic as the topic value.


JSONata is very different to Mustache templates, and the use of {{msg.payload}} will not work as you might expect.

In the Vioneta Agro nodes, JSONata can be used to set entity states, set output property values, generate UI parameters, or as conditional tests (both generating the test value, and as an evaluated predicate expression).

Examples of using JSONata in the Vioneta Agro Nodes:

  1. Call a service using JSONata to build the data object
    • Increase light brightness with remote
    • Set A/C target temperature and hvac mode
    • Send 'lights on' notification when leaving home
    • Extract weather forecast details from call return
  2. Read the current state or attribute value of an entity
    • Report difference between A/C current and target temperatures
    • Report if A/C been cooling for more than 2 hours before 17:00
    • Report if A/C unit is running outside of 'office hours'
  3. Listen for entity state or attribute changes
    • Motion detection start, and motion ending only before 08:30 and after 17:30
    • Switch just turned off, and has been on for less than three minutes
    • Motion detection only before dawn and after dusk, with dusk and dawn times output
  4. Trigger a flow from state change conditions
    • Every minute before and after sunset
    • Automation events just before, at, and just after sunset
    • Adjust light brightness from 0 to 100 percent over sunset
  5. Write state and attribute values to an HA sensor
    • Provide a sensor with a count of the number of lights that are on
    • Provide an attribute array (list) of the lights that are on
    • Since I last looked, list which lights have been turned on, or off
  6. Route flow (switch node) based on computed outcomes
    • Select flow routing depending on state 'last changed ms' period in minutes
  7. Read state history and process the return JSON (change node)
    • Calculate when, and for how long, I have not been at home in the past week
  8. Using the additional $entity() functions in JSONata
    • Reading node entity states and attributes
    • Reading all Vioneta Agro entities
    • Reading Areas, Devices, and their Entities

Vioneta Agro functions

There are several additional Vioneta Agro functions added for use in JSONata expressions, and these can only be used within the Vioneta Agro nodes.

  • $entity() returns the entity that triggered the node

  • $prevEntity() returns the previous state entity if the node is an event node

  • $areaDevices(areaId) returns all devices associated with a specific area ID.

  • $areaEntities(areaId) returns all entities associated with a specific area ID.

  • $areas(lookup) returns an area based on a provided lookup value, or all areas if no lookup value is provided. The lookup value can be an area ID, an entity ID, or a device ID.

  • $deviceEntities(device_id) returns all entities associated with a specific device.

  • $device(lookup) returns a device based on a provided lookup value. The lookup value can be an entity ID or a device name.

  • $entities() returns all entities in the cache

  • $entities(entity_id) returns a single entity from cache matching the given entity_id

Exposed Lodashopen in new window functions

  • $sampleSize(collection, [n=1]) https://lodash.com/docs/#sampleSizeopen in new window

    Gets n random elements at unique keys from collection up to the size of collection.

  • $randomNumber([lower=0], [upper=1], [floating]) https://lodash.com/docs/#randomopen in new window

    Produces a random number between the inclusive lower and upper bounds. If only one argument is provided a number between 0 and the given number is returned. If floating is true, or either lower or upper are floats, a floating-point number is returned instead of an integer.

Also see: